The million dollar question is how to improve Amazon sales rank. In order to improve your Amazon sales rank you need to consider Amazon SEO, promotions, and product/market fit. The ultimate goal is to get your product on the first page for your desired keywords. The difference between the first page and second can mean thousands of dollars of difference in sales. If you already know what Amazon Sales Rank and BSR is, skip down to the how to improve Amazon sales rank section.

What is Amazon Sales Rank

Amazon sales rank is also known as the best sellers rank or BSR. Amazon sales rank shows where you rank relative to other products in your category. The lower the number, the more products you are selling. You can find the best seller rank for any product by going to the product page and scrolling down to the product details section. This is where the Amazon best seller rank is shown. For some products, the BSR is show for two of the categories it is in.

Improve Amazon Sales Rank

This is what Amazon says about Amazon Best Sellers Rank:

While the Amazon Best Sellers list is a good indicator of how well a product is selling overall, it doesn’t always indicate how well an item is selling among other similar items. Category and subcategory best seller lists were created to highlight an item’s rank in the categories or subcategories where it really stands out.

How Do You Track Your Amazon Sales Rank

Why do you need to track your Amazon sales rank? Well, you need a scientific approach to whether your tactics for how you can improve Amazon sales rank (will be covering next) are actually effective. There are a few options for how you can track your Amazon Sales Rank.

Manual Spreadsheet

The cheapest and most simple way is good old fashion manual tracking. All you need to do is write down the Amazon sales rank everyday. This can be done on a Google Sheets or Microsoft Excel spreadsheet. A problem with this approach is that it is not automated. The best seller ranking for your product updates every hour so it is not as a precise tracking system. Using a software to track Amazon sales rank is more accurate.

Amazon Sales Rank Software

Improve Amazon Sales RankAMZ Tracker is a tool that provides simple keyword tracking and tools to improve rankings. Not only can you track your own products but any products listed, including your competitors. Automating this mundane task of keyword tracking is vital to seeing how effective the methods of how to improve Amazon sales rank are. Okay, okay, let’s explore those methods.

How to Improve Amazon Sales Rank

Here it is, the bread and butter of how to improve Amazon sales rank. As I said in the introduction, the difference of being on the first page and second page can mean hundreds of units and thousands of dollars. Three ways we are going to improve Amazon sales rank are through promotions, Amazon SEO, and product/market fit.

Improve Amazon Sales Rank Through Promotions

Improve Amazon Sales Rank

The first method is through product promotions. The basic idea to this method is to give your products away at a discount, in exchange for an honest review. Amazon sees a product giveaway and an organic sale as the same, in terms of BSR. For example, if you have a new product you will be on the last page for your targeted keywords. Depending on the category, if you give away products in a promotion you can shoot your rank to the top. There are many ways this can be executed including Facebook groups, your friends, but I prefer using Zonblast is a promotions platform that connects Amazon reviewers with Amazon sellers. They estimate how many products are needed to giveaway to get on the first page.

Improve Amazon Sales Rank Through Amazon SEO

Amazon SEO or search engine optimization is the process of having a listing that contains the keywords in the best way so Amazon’s search engine can accurately match what customers are searching for with the product page. The best analogy I have found for Amazon’s search algorithm is that it is an infant stage Google search engine. I’ll share what Amazon says about their search algorithm as well as what I have found from my experience as a seller and consulting for other store owners.

What Amazon Says About SEO

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This is what Amazon has to say about their search engine algorithm, you need to be logged in to your seller account:

Search is the primary way that customers use to locate products on Customers search by entering keywords, which are matched against the search terms you enter for a product. Well-chosen search terms increase a product’s visibility and sales. The number of views for a product detail page can increase significantly by adding just one additional search term – if it’s a relevant and compelling term.

Factors such as price, availability, selection, and sales history help determine where your product appears in a customer’s search results. In general, better-selling products tend to be towards the beginning of the results list. As your sales of a product increase, so does your placement.

Amazon doesn’t share exactly the best way to create your listings, but I will share what I have found from my experience.

Amazon SEO in Practice

There are several factors that go into creating an optimized listing. The key here is consistency. Here are the areas that you want to keep your keywords your are targeting consistent while listing your product:

  • Title 
  • Bullet Points
  • Description
  • Search Terms

In practice, figure out which keyword you want to attract and make sure they are in the above list of your listing. For example, if your product is a lightning cable and a keyword you are going after is ‘lightning to USB’ than include ‘lightning to USB in your title, a bullet point, description, and a search term.

Improve Amazon Sales Rank Through Product/Market Fit

Improve Amazon Sales Rank 3

Giving products away through promotions or having great Amazon SEO doesn’t mean anything without having good product/market fit. The best way to improve your Amazon sales rank is through customers finding your product and making a purchase. Product/market fit is a term coined by Marc Andreesen that says that in a great market with lots of potential customers, the market will pull the product to that market. Having a high conversion rate is the number one factor for ranking your product. The best way to have a successful product is matching up the demand for the specific product with the right product.


In conclusion, improving your Amazon sales rank will will result in an increase in sales. Three ways to improve Amazon sales rank is through promotions, Amazon SEO, and product/market fit. Have the right product, give yourself a boost through a promotion, and continue your success through a consistent listing. That is the recipe to be successful and improve Amazon sales rank. If you want to discuss how to increase your sales on Amazon, please reach out below.

How to Improve Amazon Sales Rank